It's been a hectic two weeks. My last post I mentioned that Colleen was about to leave Texas, well while I was waiting for them to pack up the car with their luggage so I can drive them to the airport I thought I would make things easier on them and turn the car around. Started to back out of the garage and all of a sudden there was a very loud noise coming from the rear of the SUV. It seems that The Madge, also wanting to be helpful, raised the hatchback and I instantly found out that you can't pull out of your garage with the back door open. She ran out to see what the noise was and looked at the back of the car, picked up a piece of plastic that proudly had the name Acura on it, handed it to me and asked if I could fix it. It didn't look that messed up so I asked her to put it on the bench and I would superglue it when I returned from the airport. The whole time the hatch back was still raised, after the kids finished stuffing the car with their luggage they shut the rear door and all I heard was "Wow you really did a job on it". Yes I did, $1700 worth of damage. The repair place couldn't buff it out and had to replace the whole rear door, plus wiper, wiring and glass. It was my first accident in over forty years so I don't feel all that bad after all it's only a car and a few dollars. I should have called Allison to find out what to do as she has been in so many accidents that Enterprise car rental has a vehicle permanently reserved for her.
Sean, Meaghan and Allison arrived in Texas on Sept 3rd to celebrate Sean's second birthday, which is actually on Sept 11th. As previously reported, Meg continues to confuse the little guy by calling him names other than Sean. A year ago it was Buddy and Butters, this year it's Boo and Boo boo, and every so often a Buddy gets thrown in. A good time was had by all, swimming everyday and a small birthday party with a few friends that was catered by "County Line BBQ". They then went home to Conn. on Sept 8th for his second birthday party which took place yesterday Sept 12th.

A Happy Birthday to both Sean and Meg's Godfather Fred Magovern.
This Wednesday the second half of the family arrives for a short stay, Caden will drive his mother (Erin) and Dog (Riley) down from Frisco and Colleen, who is in town for a business meeting, will hang out with us for a little swimming, wine and BBQ. I do believe it will then be very quiet here until the holidays start.
A parting quote
Colleen is leaving Texas in a few hours. I know the move to New Jersey hasn't sunk in yet but I anticipate that the tears will flow when she says goodbye to "The Madge". Unfortunately the Northeast attitude nonsense is already happening to them. When they sold their place here EVERYTHING went very smooth with both seller and buyer honoring their verbal and written agreements. Enter New Jersey - Colleen and Mark agreed to purchase a house at a agreed price only subject to inspection with an agreed closing date. Both Seller and Buyer signed a "Binder" with a $1000 earnest money paid. This was done signed, sealed and delivered last Saturday, on Monday their broker called and said the seller received a higher offer therefore unless Colleen and Mark increase the " previously agreed" price all bets are off and the sellers will now work with the higher bidders. I am proud to say that they told the broker to convey to the Seller "stick it". Now it's back to the drawing board. I am not happy with 1. real estate broker, 2. sellers, 3. state of new jersey (doesn't deserve capitalization) and 4. Shell Oil for not allowing them to use another real estate broker. I always wanted to create competition for my business assuring that they would try harder to get me what I wanted. Colleen and Mark's attitude is "it wasn't meant to be" and I am sure that they will find something real soon. So Au revoir to Colleen and Mark and in twenty four hours it is Bonjour to Sean, Meaghan and Allison.