Saturday, January 2, 2010


Twas the week after Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a, hey that's right, NO ONE is here except for "The Madge, Cooper and myself. Everyone is gone. The last of the gang left this morning. This house now seems vacant especially with the grandchildren missing. Christmas was great this year. We celebrated it on the 25th with just eight of us. Frisco had an snow/ice storm on Christmas eve so on the 26th Erin, Brad and Caden made it down and finally on the 27th Henry showed up. Christmas wrappings were flying all over the place for three straight days. Our kids gave us a interesting gift. They hired a chef to come to the house on the 27th and cook our Christmas dinner, including appetizers and dessert. Chef Will arrived at 4 in the afternoon and we finished up at 10:15 that evening. Everything was delicious and I think Chef Will also enjoyed himself watching us and listening to the Murphy clan tell jokes and past stories about each other. I think he knew that he was in for trouble when during his preparation speech on how each dish would be made I asked whether he folded or just stirred the Lipton onion soup mix into the sour cream. And now for some pictures.