Saturday, May 31, 2008

Splash Town in Windrose

As I had mentioned before “The Madge” insisted that we have a pool installed primarily for Her, Cooper, Grandkids, Our Kids, Relatives, Friends and me. Well the long wait is over. On June the 9th they start staking out the yard and the following day they start digging. Weather permitting it should be finished in one month, hopefully in time for Erin and Caden’s visit for the Fourth of July.

What is unbelievable is we had three custom pool companies come out and look things over. Two actually gave us a bid and after we made certain modifications to the plans only one gave us a final quote. I would like to make some further minor changes (adding an outlet or a water faucet) but I am afraid that they too might disappear like the others and we would be back to square one.

I read somewhere that the U.S. is in a recession or people are giving up certain luxuries because prices are spiraling out of control. I wish someone would tell the pool companies in Texas about these hard times. One pool builder does 200 pools per year, this is a small custom builder that has a staff of two with everything subcontracted out. I don’t know how much he makes per year but his he lives in a BIG house and his company car is a new Porsche. I am now thinking of starting up a pool company and looking for a partner, can anyone say “Dig the hole here” in Spanish.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Caden 10 days old

When asked about his Pops in Spring, Caden couldn't express himself verbally (give him another two weeks) but the following pictures say it all.

June 2nd is almost here

The Madge” approached me today asking what I would like for my birthday. This particular birthday will be my 62nd one. Years ago this would signify that I have reached my retirement age but since that happened two years ago this birthday represents absolutely nothing except getting through another year. Getting me a gift is not the easiest thing to do as I consider myself lucky having everything I desire. Clothes never did the trick nor do I need anymore, everyday a different shirt, pants, socks and underwear and since “The Madge” does wash every other day I wear the same clothes over and over again. The back of my closet and the bottom of my drawers are uncharted territories. What about tools, nope, the only tool I have used since “kicking back” is a corkscrew. Toys??? No way, I haven’t mastered my “Guitar Hero” yet and can borrow the latest video games from my son in law. Usually the kids get me movies but since I (thanks to Henry) now download every movie that comes out, “Save Your Money”. To my children I will get sentimental and say Thank You for two grandsons, a budding romance and for being so helpful with everything. “The Madge” can give me happiness, laughs and getting out there and having fun, not for me but for her. These are the best gifts I could have asked for and you can now see I did get everything I wanted, what a lucky guy I am. Now where is the cake???

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Latest and Greatest

These pictures of Sean were taken two days ago.

Now in Video Form

Caden's first week.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I Demand Equal Time

With the arrival of Caden plus having parents that take a lot of pictures, the blog has lately been showing all Caden. Our daughter Meaghan has finally sent some new pictures of our other grandson Sean. Keep it up!!!

Brad & Erin versus Caden

The Madge, Cooper and me just returned from Frisco where we witnessed one little baby tiring out two adults. After six days of existing in this world it's Caden 6, Parents 0. I called Vegas to see what the line is after two months of playing and it's Caden giving 57. Smart money is on Caden. We had a great time and Caden is a riot. I don't know what a child less than one week old is supposed to be able to do but this little guy not only holds his head up but is trying to crawl or should I say squirm forward. The new parents are doing everything "by the book" to the point of not using common sense which I know they have. Warm a bottle after taking it out of the Refridgerator - Brad stood at the sink for ten minutes running the hot water over the bottle, Huh???? Do you think he's nervous. Here's a bunch of new pictures of the Strucks and "The Madge".

In a few of those pictures Caden looks about two months old but all of them were taken the day he was born.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chinese Heavyweight Boxer, No Way??

Since I’ve been alone these last few days, OK Cooper’s been with me, I have been religiously sticking to my (The Madge’s) diet. It has finally come to me that I really haven’t gained weight but rather a victim of a conspiracy by the yellow people to have Westerner’s starve to death. I believe that since there are no XL nor Large models in the Far East they just “wing it” when it comes to sizing and slowly reduce the sizes until one can not fit into the Large but have to bump up to an XL, or XL to XXL. You then become depressed, go on a drastic diet thereby weakening your body and go into a state of Depression allowing these yellow skinned cowards to conquer us. Yup, I really do believe it, but how did they manage to make my wedding band shrink???

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Few More Pictures

Again Grandpa Struck comes through and shares with us the following pictures. It truly is amazing that most white babies do look like Winston Churchill.
And through the magic of video conferencing, yes they are small.

Doesn't he look like Winston?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Caden Heath Struck

After about thirteen hours of labor Erin decided to bring into our world a "Whopper". Caden, as he is called, weighed in at eight pounds four ounces not a big baby for many people but Erin normally weighs about 105 pounds. This would be the equivalent of me passing a large watermelon, not a pleasant thought. Mother and child are doing great and will be discharged from the hospital on Thursday. The Madge is also doing well and pulled through this birth like a champ, many close calls but she is hanging in there.
Hey, just got this in from Grandpa Struck.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

It is Mothers Day for another 32 minutes and about one hour ago we had a call from Erin saying that she is on her way to the Hospital. So here we sit waiting for "THE CALL". It was very exciting to be here when we got the call that her water broke. The Madge's water broke too. It's going to be a very long night.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

How Long Can You Hold Your Breath

We are sitting around the house waiting for daughter number two to call saying that she is in labor. "The Madge" has our suitcases already packed, so all we will do is load up the family truckster with luggage and Cooper and head to Frisco Texas. She is due on the May 16th but she called today saying that if she hasn't gone into labor by the 13th they will induce. Hold off on everything; golf lessons, pool construction, and doctors. I better have the car filled up daily as we won't want a "pit stop" on the way up there. I haven't been told how long we will be staying but by the amount of luggage she has packed I think we will be there until Thanksgiving. We are both real excited, as are the parents, for this will be our local grandchild. Erin plans on taking a few months off from work and has already told me that she plans on coming here to relax. Does that mean she sleeps and "The Madge" gets up for the 2 o'clock feedings??? Be ready in a few weeks for tons of pictures.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Let the Games Begin

We started the bidding on our pool. Spent three hours at the first of three companies we are thinking of using. I made many changes to the proposed plan which I am sure equals additional dollars. "The Madge" evidently asked for a Tanning Platform to be built in the pool, along with Spa, cascading water falls, beach entry, remote controls for everything including the lights, and "dancing" water features. Now why would anyone want a Tanning Platform? You will either get skin cancer or age twenty five years per summer. When I asked if she REALLY wanted these things her answer was "The kids will enjoy them". I wonder if there will be room to actual use the pool?