Are We Having Fun Yet??
The fun starts today, Allison is scheduled to fly into Houston this afternoon and I being the anal person that I am I have already checked potential delays. Every airport in the U. S. is operating normally with the exception of one, you got it, Laguardia N.Y. It seems the cold weather has affected the flights upto three hours. I voiced my displeasure to "The Madge" and she said according to "Good Morning America" it is very cold in New York. Forgive me but there are other airports in the same area and no delays, not to mention the numerous airports north of Laguardia which I am sure are colder. Laguardia sucks!! These delays will put Allison in a FOUL MOOD and I will be the brunt of her "non-happy" attitude. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Ho Ho Yuk.
Meaghan sent some pictures of snowstorm "Austin", I never realized they name snowstorms. Anyway, she bought Buddy a sled, wrapped him up in warm clothes, stuffed him into the baby sled and braved the cold temperatures. Look how excited he is. Don't worry Buddy in a few more days you will be in the hot tub, relaxing and thinking of the poor souls braving the harsh weather.

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