Christmas Photo's part 2
It's Christmas Eve 2010 and we anxiously awaiting the arrival our the rest of our daughters. Colleen and Mark are already here and claimed the best guest room, Erin, Brad & Caden will arrive around noon and Allison will show up around six this evening. Meaghan & Sean will get here tomorrow around five and last but not least will be Henry (Allison's fiance) due to arrive noon of the 27th. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! "The Madge" has been running around(sometimes four times the same day) stocking up on food and every time she goes out she comes back with another toy for the little guys. Her Christmas tree is still giving us problems but I have isolated the issue. She plugs it in around 5 in the afternoon and around eight it is totally dark. The following morning I fix the problem and await the tree lighting ceremony at 5, then at 8 it's black again. The problem is not from defective lights but from overloading the system. As previously advised "The Madge" has fourteen sets of lights ALL plugged into the same string therefore before the string of lights that is plugged into the wall completely melts down from the electrical load it is carrying, it blows a fuse. Rather than completely redoing the tree properly "The Madge" handed me 13 spare fuses and stated "These should get us through Christmas day". Well anyway on to part two of the Christmas card pictures.
The Madge, Cooper and "The" tree
Our Grandson Caden
"The Madge's" God daughter's twins, Morgan & Julien with their step brother Luc.
"The Madge's" grand nephew Matt and wife Sharnee's boys Malachy & Ennis from Hopewell Junction, NY
My Grand Nephews and Niece, Ryan, Casey and Taylor, children of Cathy & Kirk Pritchard from Montgomery, NY
Good Friends Pat & Matt Warren of Stratford, CT
Emilie, Ellinor & Carl Peder, children of our friends Bente and Peder from Oslo, Norway
My Godson Bryan Orsini's children Liam, Bridie and Fintan. Bryan and his wife Erin hail from Union. NJ
Friends Jason & Alicia Graziano's little girl Drea from Trumbull, CT
Long time friend Judy Colliver with Tabby of Anaheim CA.
Two old fools Dave Calonico and Joe Kennedy of Spring and Houston Texas. Is Dave grabbing himself or trying to hold on to the wild ride?
Friends Janelle and Gary Welchel of Baton Rouge from left to right son Chris, girl friend Jenny, Gary, Janelle, daughter Sarah, Sarah's husband Robby and Hannah the dog
Friends Stephanie & Scott Bridges' girls Ally and Maddy also of Baton Rouge, La Here's a flash, Colleen has removed all the decorations from "The" tree and is properly redoing the lights. Yeah, I guess I can put the fire extinguisher back in the garage.
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