Because of this recent discovery of the Pulmonary Embolism the doctors prescribed a Venous Doppler scan or in human talk - look for other clots using ultrasound. They found two clots in my right leg and suggested I go to the Lymphedema Clinic, what they do there is push excess liquid out of your extremities and perform MLD. Off I go to the clinic, they scheduled daily visits for three weeks, each visit to last 3 to 4 hours. No problem, I can do this, besides getting an occasional haircut I have all the time in the world. The first thing that I notice is that the staff is all black, not a big deal but we aren't talking about professional looking people. Lots of funny hairdos, strange colored nail polish with decals on the nails, interesting visible body piercings and enough jewelry, that if real a holdup would put the thief on easy street for life. Again, I can live with this, but here is where it ends. Their language is not English but dems, dats, dos and Eyes axed him fur dat. I am constantly saying "Excuse me" or "Pardon me", it's really difficult to have a normal dialogue with the staff.
I previously mentioned MLD or Manual Lymph Drainage, this is a "slow rhythmical massage technique which opens alternate lymph vessels and prepares them to accept addititonal lymph fluid from the affected limb". See the diagram below to show you the locations of your lymph glands

Please pay particular close attention to the Inguinal nodes. It went something like this "Ken ya take ya pants off?" I answered no. "Well tomorrow eyes like ya to wear shorts so eyes can get to da nodes mo easier" I replied "You have to be kidding me, it was 29 degrees this morning and you want me to wear shorts?". We did manage to compromise on this subject and she now "duz on top of da pants massage but day gotta be thin material". During one of our conversations I asked what training is necessary to qualify as a "MLD specialist", she replied "skoolin". "How long did you attend school?" She said "a week at da tech skool and now its on the job training". I felt so much better knowing that I am in the hands of an experienced professional.
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