Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

I mentioned a few months ago that I should start a pool building business, well there is no doubt in my mind that it's the thing to do. We are experiencing a tropical storm here today and it's dropping MUCH NEEDED rain. I can almost see the golf course greening as the rain comes down, more important our lawn, trees, and shrubs are all chugging down the rain drops. This storm will finish up here this evening so everything returns to normal, but not for the pool company. I called today to see if certain items have been delivered to them, namely railing for the beach entry, and they informed me that everything will be delayed until next week due to the domino effect that the rain caused. HUH????? One day rain = four days delay???? Oh well, at least they picked up their trash around the dig site yesterday and that will do it for the week. I have recently started going to a pool over in Tomball, Tx to get much needed exercise and it looks like I will extend my one months membership. Well it's off to Tomball and swimming, even though we are in the middle of the storm but DOMINO THIS SUCKER.

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