Boo and Hoist the Sails
Happy Halloween. The little gremlins and goblins will be out in force tonight because a. beautiful weather, b. it's a Friday and c. this is a extremely young neighborhood. Colleen and Mark are coming by this afternoon to spend the night BECAUSE tomorrow we fly down to "God's Waiting Room"(Miami) to get ready to board the "Freedom of the Seas" for a cruise around the Caribbean. "The Madge" has been packing for two days and I think she is almost done. She filled up her two bags and asked me if I had room in my luggage for a few additional things. Of course I do, I mean how much space do two pairs of shorts, four shirts, some underwear and three pairs of socks take up? She threw twelve pairs of shoes and some "smart" outfits into my suitcase and I can still see a little space for a few other things. We are going to be gone for eight days, so I am guessing there will be numerous costume changes. SShhhhhhh, I am not going to say anything but I know she forgot to pack a bathing suit and nightgowns. Maybe I should tell her? That way she won't have to shop in Miami for all the forgotten things. Then there's the matter of books, "The Madge" loves to read, if a normal person plans of reading a book or two on vacation they would buy the soft covered book or buy a book at the bookstore in the airport. I counted six HARD COVERED books or about 8 pounds of paper that are ready to be packed. Now I am thinking that I should have hired the stretch Hummer or maybe a bus for the baggage.

Well, see you back on here Nov 10.
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