In this part of the country we can not tell that fall has arrived by the change in the color of the leaves, our trees turn brown and shed over 48 hours, nor do we have "frost on the pumpkin". What we do have is "The Madge opening a window". Yes, she opened a few windows today allowing fresh air to enter the house. The temperature is a chilling 59, no it isn't long sleeve rugby weather yet, but a warning that cooler weather isn't that far off. OK we will have 83 degrees on Saturday but it's a start.
Congratulations to two cousins of mine that are both nominated for teacher of the year in their respective school districts. Being the extremely close family that we are, I can honestly say that I have not met either one of them, but do plan of voting for them.
Moira McAllister is a Silver Spring finalist and Marycolleen McAllister-Fry in the Wheaton district.
If you want to throw a vote in click on their name - -
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