It's Rugby Time
Yes sir, it's official, this morning it was 37 degrees and it's time to whip out the infamous rugby shirts. Maybe it's the color combination or the style, then again maybe it's the way the horizontal stripes look on my svelte body, but my family hates them. Hey they are warm and that is all that matters.
Cooper ran out this morning, did his business and cried to come back into the house. He is a big wimp for sure. Since "The Madge" is gone, the kids are filling in. Colleen is heading up this way for lunch, then flying up to Dallas, then she, Erin and Caden are driving down here tomorrow morning. Erin will then stay the week, making sure I will eat properly and don't get into trouble. Looks like the potato chips and Coke will have to wait. Colleen will hang around Houston until next Thursday when she then flies up to Philadelphia to run the marathon. Erin's husband Brad then flies in on Friday to spend the weekend. "The Madge" is schduled to fly back on Saturday. Colleen returns to Houston on Sunday. It's going to be a busy week with many trips to the Airport.
While surfing the interent I came a across an interesting site that allows you to be creative with your pictures. Here's some examples of what can do. By the way Colleen is bringing about 300 cruise pictures so be prepared.


For those that are interested it's
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