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Went to the Doctor yesterday to have the last tube removed from my body. Dr. Chip Winkle of the "If you can't tinkle see Winkle" fame is quite a interesting character, he has an earring, rides a Harley and has won numerous awards in the area including but not limited to "most humorous" and "most congenial". He informed me that he is about two operations away from being certified on the Da Vinci robot, Huh??? Don't worry he said he was assisting another doctor who is certified. Well on with a normal life until "The Madge" has me see another specialist.
Bob Stefans of Sugarland sent an interesting story about a man that was pulled over for having a bumper sticker that read "Abort Obama not the Unborn". Well rather than write about it OKC man pulled over
Gotta go now there is somebody is knocking or kicking my front door.

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