Halt or I'll Shoot
Interesting title? Stay tuned. Sorry for the posting delay, however since little Caden went back to Frisco he was kind enough to leave us something. As previously advised the little guy had a viral infection and guess what? He left some of it with us. "The Madge" was down for about three days and just when she was getting better, I was hit with it. Today is the first day we both feel about 95% healthy, at our age I guess we never will be 100%. Now to the title explanation. About two weeks ago "The Madge" took my car for it's annual inspection, she also decided to have it's oil changed and get a free car wash. They finished with the inspection, and the oil change, she paid and went over to where the cars will come out of the wash. She waited and waited and then decided to go around to the entrance, the car was there with the hood up and the attendants were jumping the battery. They told her that since the car is four years old it probably needed a new battery and didn't want to take a chance and put it in the car wash , so she jumped into the car and drove it home, I then went to Sears and got a new battery. OK, no problem mission accomplished and everything works fine. Today a Sheriff came over to our house looking for "THE MADGE", it seems she bolted from the car wash without ever paying for the oil change. She told the Sheriff the whole story and he let her go back to the Inspection/Oil Change/Car Wash place, and settle up. I have always thought that it would be ME that the police would come for. Do I dare ask her about the car wash credit?
While scanning through today's paper I came across the following ad. Wonder how much the caucasian model is?
Meaghan once again found her camera and sent the following Easter pictures of Sean.

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