Friday, April 3, 2009

I See The Light

We are sitting here waiting for the arrival of Caden and his parents plus their Dog Riley aka Marley. The camera batteries are charged and I'm ready to take a ton op pictures. This morning while listening to the news, the light bulb issue came up again. Light bulb issue? What light bulb issue? About one year ago congress passed a law outlawing the use if incandescent bulbs, actually the phase-out of incandescent light is to begin with the 100-watt bulb in 2012 and end in 2014 with the 40-watt. The light bulb as we know it will be replaced wit the CFL. This is not a big deal or is it?

Here are U.S. EPA’s guidelines for cleaning up a broken CFL(compact florescent light):

  1. Open a window and leave the room (restrict access) for at least 15 minutes. If you have fans, place the fans in the windows and blow the air out of the room. Note: If the room has no windows, open all doors to the room and windows outside the room and use fans to move the air out of the room and to the open windows.
  2. Remove all materials you can without using a vacuum cleaner.
    • Wear disposable rubber gloves, if available (do not use your bare hands).
    • Carefully scoop up the fragments and powder with stiff paper or cardboard.
    • Wipe the area clean with a damp paper towel or disposable wet wipe.
    • Sticky tape (such as duct tape) can be used to pick up small pieces and powder.
  3. Place all cleanup materials in a plastic bag and seal it, and then place in a second sealed plastic bag.
    • If no other disposal or recycling options are available, private residents may dispose of the CFL in residential garbage. Be sure to seal the CFL in two plastic bags and put into the outside trash.
    • Wash your hands after disposing of the bags.
  4. The first time you vacuum the area where the bulb was broken, remove the vacuum bag once done cleaning the area (or empty and wipe the canister) and put the bag and/or vacuum debris, as well as the cleaning materials, in two sealed plastic bags in the outdoor trash or protected outdoor location for normal disposal.
This is great, Congress at it's best and while we are at it I also heard that the lack of sunspot activity is down again and earth over the last two years has actually been cooling off. Hey Gore you hear that. No global warming, we're cooling off.

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