Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Caden and more news

It's official, Caden H. Struck turns ONE today. Since Erin does EVERYTHING by the book he can now sit facing forward in his car seat and drink whole milk. I am not sure of the other things he is allowed to do once he hit the magic one year mark. Well Happy Birthday Caden and now in accordance with the self inflicted tradition please view the following You Tube Link or play the video

Let's see this should just about do it. Oops, the title said Happy Birthday Caden and more news, hmmmmm??? What is the news? Henry getting a job, Colleen moving to New Joisey, no already covered those. Oh, I've got it. Caden's father Brad quit his Job. It came as a big shock to his employer as Brad just concluded a very big contract with Lockheed, but since Brad spends so little time at home (probably 11 days a month) I don't blame him for changing jobs. However Brad just did not only change his job but he was hired as a Vice-president of Transwestern, a commercial real estate firm. Congratulations and success to Brad.

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