Sunday, November 28, 2010
I Hope It's Temporary

Friday, November 26, 2010
Box O'Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving is a our first to be without any family. So instead of "The Madge" buying the normal turkey we will have a slightly smaller bird (see below). This morning I read that Angelina Jolie hates Thanksgiving so much that she took her family out of the country, she says it celebrates what the white settlers did to the native Indians, the domination of one culture over another. Here's a thought Ms Jolie, while you are "out of America", stay out.
I have also included a link about the history of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Video —
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Home & Cholera Free
While checking in to board the ship we had to go through security, the agent asked me to place phone, pen, watch, belt buckle and anything else that was metal in a bin that would be put through their xray machine. He then proceeded to pat me down, I asked him what were they looking for and he responded "weapons". I couldn't resist and said "Where am I going after this search?" He told me that he hoped I was getting on the ship. "OK, once I am on the ship, I go to the dining room and order a steak, how will I cut the steak"? He looked at me and said "Sir, I am only doing my job".
Our room on board the cruise ship was probably the biggest and best we've had. Every night we had our friends, the Calonico's & Kennedy's, joining us on our patio for cocktails discussing what happened during the day and to make plans for the next day. Only had two days out of eleven of a "slightly" choppy seas but no one felt ill. "The Madge" spent many many many hours in the casino and if you ask her how she did it's always the same, "I won". What she doesn't tell you is she spent $500 to win $200.
Late one night she came into the room and fluttered about getting ready for bed. I only opened one eye just to make sure she was alright and went right back to sleep. While she was in the bathroom the phone rang and "The Madge's" conversation went something like this. "Hello." "Oh you want to talk to my husband." She then came out of the bathroom and handed me the phone saying it was for me. One o'clock in the morning, who could be calling? "Hello" I said. "Hello Mr. Murphy, this in the ships hospital and we just received an medical emergency signal from your room." "Is everything alright?" I replied that everything was fine and I had been fast asleep. "Are you sure everything is fine? Your wife said you pulled the medical emergency cord". I assured the voice that I was sound asleep and my wife must have pulled the emergency cord by mistake. "OK Mr. Murphy as long as there isn't an emergency have a good night". Now I was 100% awake but it was best that I did not confront "The Madge" with what just happened. The next morning when I asked about the pulled cord she casually waved me off. Thirty minutes later I had tied the emergency cord to shower fixture so high up that she would have had to stand on the shower stool to reach it. The rest of the trip the phone never rang.
The second day of the cruise she told me that she lost her "Ship credit card", so I asked her to go down to the guest relations and have them issue a new one. The woman said not to feel bad as it happens all the time. The NEXT day "The Madge" tells me that she can't find her new card. "It has to be in the room as you needed it to get in last night" I explained. "I've looked all over the place and can't find it" so I told her she better get another one. Later that day I went back to the room and found out MY CARD didn't work, fortunately the room steward was in the hallway and I asked her to open the door as my key doesn't work. Once the door was opened I noticed "The Madge's missing card on the cocktail table. The room steward said she found it "IN OUR BED". Huh??? IN OUR BED???? Why would "The Madge" need her room card in bed? Thought it best not to ask. Since "The Madge" was on her third card in three days they voided my card and now I had to get a new one.
There are other stories but it's best I don't tell you them now, but maybe over a drink or two at a later date.
Now for the pictures.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hawaii 50
These last twenty years my attire has been casual actually super casual. Getting “dressed up” for a meeting in the office meant wearing socks and wearing jeans that weren’t blue. So here we are getting ready to take our cruise and “The Madge” decided that I needed to update my wardrobe, I insisted that rather than shop at Brooks Brothers or Nordstrom we should go to a relatively inexpensive men’s store. My thoughts are, I am only going to wear whatever I bought a couple of times so why drop big bucks on it. We settled on a store called “Men’s Wearhouse”, upon entering the store I asked the salesman “Where’s the obese section?” My needs were simple a sport coat, a couple of dress shirts, two ties and maybe a casual shirt. After being measured and finding out my old jacket size is now my waist I immediately dropped into a deep state of depression. At this point all I wanted to do is buy a pair of socks and get home to sulk but “The Madge” had other ideas. The salesman asked “Sir what style and color shirt do you want?” “Broadcloth, white with a button down collar” I answered. “I think we have ONE of those”, he said as he began pulling out shirts looking for my white shirt. “What color jacket?” that’s easy “Navy Blue with brass buttons”. Again I get this look, he found one of those tucked way in the back. OK I’m out of here but no; the shopping frenzy was about to begin. “The Madge” seized the moment and asked to see things that were a little more stylish. We left the store with two jackets, eight shirts and nine ties and everything purchased after the initial white shirt and blue blazer has all the patterns, cuts and colors designed for a person that is 30 years of age with a 29 waist.
After this cruise I booked a cruise to Hawaii leaving Los Angeles in March 2011, so the title of this piece is Hawaii 50 which means “Drop 50 lbs for Hawaii”. Have to take a break now and grab an Egg McMuffin.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Welcome Back
It’s been way too long since I posted anything on the blog so I will make a valiant attempt to get current.
Happy Birthdays to Caden, Colleen, Sean, Erin and Allison.
Happy Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.
Daughter #1 (Colleen) still is in New Jersey and I will give it another six months before “F” bombs will be part of her normal conversation. She is the perfect example of burning the candle from both ends, working, traveling & entertaining during the week and partying on weekends.
Daughter #2 (Erin) is currently having chemo treatments and is doing extremely well. She has three more treatments to go, then a few weeks of radiation and then sit back and enjoy life.
Daughter #3 (Meaghan) working, parenting and staying busy.
Daughter #4 (Allison) still engaged to Henry, moved From Stamford, CT to East Chester NY and is now shopping for cards announcing her intended elopement. Don’t say a word but it’s supposed to be 1/11/11. Boy won’t we all be surprised.

This past weekend was a great weekend, LSU beat Bama, A&M crushed Oklahoma, Tech over Mizzou and UT lost to K State. We were also honored to have, "a wanna be son-in-law", Jude Reed down from St. Louis. Jude is a true "Coonass" and cooked authentic Cajun food consisting of Gumbo, Shrimp Etoufee, Boudin Balls and some Cracklin. This feast was topped off with lots of beer, wine and whiskey. On Sunday It was humorous to hear Jude apologizing for things he might have said the night before and for performing a jack knife dive into the hot tub. The next time Jude visits he promised to bring his wife Lisa and as always it was good times with great people.
This Friday we head down to Florida to board the "Jewel of the Seas" for a two week cruise. One of the scheduled stops is Haiti but since we haven't renewed our Cholera vaccinations I don't think we will be going ashore. Then it's off to Cartagena, Limon, Colon, and Cayman Islands.
More to come "I promise".